Unfortunately I am still stateside and will not be in Germany for another two weeks, so comparing the German McDonald's to the the American ones is a little more difficult. I am, however, able to browse the German McDonald's website, and the German Ronald, I must say, is very similar to the American Ronald McDonald. Both sell the same classic foods- the Big Mac, the Happy Meal (toy included), the seasonal McRib, etc.
The German McDonald's did seem to get more creative in its titling in comparison to the American website. Instead of just calling it the "menu" the German version has "McMenü". How clever. The German website also used more photos of obnoxiously happy people eating McDonald's food and the format of their website was slightly different from the American version. Their is a noticeably smaller variety in product at the German Mickey-D's. Their website only advertises the classics, but they did have a couple of new foods that the American store does not have, like really cute cupcakes! I vote that the American Ronald needs to put on his baker's hat and start selling cupcakes, but that's just me.
What I find so interesting about the McDonald's brand is that it is soo classically "American." And yet it is one of the largest international corporations. Seeing how different countries refashion this american brand to fit within their own country's cultural parameters is really intriguing. Because let's face it, the American name is not always the most popular. But obviously no one can deny the power of the Big Mac.
I will be sure to check out the local McDonald's when- if I ever- get to Germany. Although I hear that Burger King is really big there. Bigger than McDonald's because word on the street is they let you have it your way...